
Histology and immunohistology:

The histology and immunohistology facility is available to researchrs interested in producing quality frozenor paraffin embedded sections of tissues, colorations and performing immunostaining on large series.
The facility relies on a techinician that will realize all the steps.

Production of tissue sections:
    frozen sections
    paraffin sections
    colorations HE-Nissls

Single antibody validation:


Stem-Bioservice offers its expertise to perform validation testing of antibodies. This allows our customers to save time and have an economic advantage in his experiments with IHC antibodies used first The customer must provide the material for 30 slides or 30 slides set up the tissue of interest that are running:

1 slide for coloratione HE  
2 slides for staining of control with an antibody reactive to the tissue of interest
15 slides to perform 5 different protocols of recovery of the antigen applied to 3 different dilution factors
execution of the final experiment 

Antibody test


The customer must send a minimum of 10 slides for each test or the material to set them up, 1 of which will be used as a positive control .The final result of the staining, the experimental conditions and any images will be sent to the customer along with the slides

In situ Hybriditation:


In situ probe validation:
stem-Bioservice offers its expertise to perform validation testing of in situ probe. The customer must provide the material for 12 slides or 12 slides set up the tissue of interest that are running:

2 slides for staining of control with an in situ probe reactive to the tissue of interest
10 slides to perform 5 different protocols.

In situ hybriditation:
the customer must send a minimum of 10 slides for each test or the material to set them up, 1 of which will be used as a poaitive control .The final result of the staining, the experimental conditions and any images will be sent to the customer along with the slides

Imaging and statistical evaluation:

by light microscopy

by fluorescence microscopy

by confocal microscopy

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